Friday, January 22, 2010

Days 18, 19, 20, and 21 - Quick before we go camping

On my list of things to do is putting this post up before I head off to bed and then head off to go camping tomorrow with my wonderful Girl Scout Friends!

So, Day 18 was Monday... Do you remember the days of laying on the ground and looking up at the sky and clouds?  It's not the same in the City and it makes me long for the days of living out away from so much civilization.  Not as much traffic, hardly any jet contrails and if there were, they were so far up!  When I got home, I saw all these contrails in the sky and decided to take pictures of that and the wispy clouds around the rest of the sky...


So, Day 19 is all about new shoes...  Audra has been wanting new converse tennies... We found these...


Day 20 found an interesting sunrise, mostly cloudy, really... So, I had to snap a picture while I was sitting at the stoplight...

And on the way home... I saw a sight that you normally only see during November/December...

And here we are at Day 21... Today, on my way to shop for new hiking boots and to pick up stuff at Walmart for our campout this weekend, I saw so many birds.  They like to divebomb cars and even people in the parking lot.  I just thought I should take a picture, again, while sitting at the stoplight.

And there you have it.  I think I'm caught up enough to head off to bed after letting Holly outside.  Til next time...

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