Friday, January 30, 2009

Random End of the Week rambling

Well, the week has finally come to an end. Phwew... Monday was kind of a bummer day for me. I was really down in the dumps due to the passing of a very dear friend of mine. And Work has been stressful in and of itself, so between those two things, I just was very down. Tuesday morning, hubby and I attended the funeral for our friend, WALTER. Walter was a wonderful man. He was kind of like a grandpa to my girl. He was kind of like a father figure for my hubby... not that my hubby doesn't have an awesome dad... It was a very nice funeral... it was geared towards a celebration of his life. Walter was a Woodworker. He was so talented with wood, that I swear he could make anything you could dream of out of wood. And, I can still hear him asking me "How's Pipsqueak?" That was his nickname for Audra. Walter also taught my hubby to make his first wood turned pen. I have that pen. I think it was a great adventure for both Walter and hubby. I think Walter really enjoyed teaching others with the same love of woodworking that he had. And I think my hubby really got a boost of confidence that he could do it. Sadly, no pens have been made since then! So many people had stories of how Walter had helped them or done something for them or was just an all around good man. Yes, he was an absolutely Good Man.

Tuesday afternoon, I worked from home, and as you know, I worked from home all day on Wednesday. Yesterday we finally got back to normal weather. It was still cold, but no precipitation and the ice was gone. Today, it was still below freezing when we left the house, but it was very nice this afternoon.

So, my big plans for the weekend are: Shopping with the girls tomorrow, a trip to the Girl Scout Shop to pick up various and assundered uniform pieces, patches and pins, church on Sunday, Confirmation Class for Audra on Sunday afternoon and Superbowl watching here at home after that. I personally plan to work on the scrapbooking project I've been given to do. I need to get it done. I still have 5 more events to scrap about before it's completed.

Well, that was a really random post. Guess I didn't have my dander up about anything today that really made me want to type just about one particular thing.

I'm off...


Ashley said...

Girl Scouts! YIPEE! I haven't been to my local Girl Scout store in ages. I think the last time my mom (who's the troop coordinator) and I (I'm a Daisy leader...or a really big Daisy Scout) went...we got lost going. Still awesome to hear about other Scout troops!

Candace said...

Sounds like Walter was a wonderful man. You have many great memories of him. Have a great weekend!

Margy said...

I am so sorry to hear that you lost a dear friend. Walter sounds like a wonderful guy.

I hope your weekend goes well!

name said...

so sorry for your loss (((hugs)))