Sunday, January 4, 2009

Did someone say Winter??

So, did someone say that this was Winter??? I just went back and looked at the highs and lows for temperature between Christmas and New Year's Day... The High temp on Christmas was 64 degrees... the low was 40. Now, fast forward to New Year's Day. The high temp was 64, the low was 39. Today (well, yesterday by now), it was a balmy 78 degrees... Yep, 78 degrees. And that's for the 3rd of January!!! Geeze... it's very hard to get in the Christmas spirit with the temperatures being what they have been. Of course, we did have a couple of very cold fronts come through between the first part of November and Thanksgiving, but now we just bounce between 50s and high 70s for highs. There is a saying here (as with what I'm sure are a hundred other places)... "If you don't like the Texas weather, just wait 5 minutes. It will change." Yeah, right... It doesn't tend to change that quickly most of the time, but we have been known to go from 70+ degree weather to 40+ degree weather in a matter of hours in an afternoon.

So, where is Winter???

Winter is simply a "season" on the calendar for us for the most part. We usually have a couple of weeks in February where we get ice, but aside from that, it's usually pretty warm here. My kids were dressed in SHORTS today!!! And a couple of days ago, they just had hoodies on when they went outside rather than be bundled up!

The thing I like about Winter is that it's cool and everyone bundles up. I get to wear fleece stuff and velour stuff and slippers and cuddle on the couch under a blanket. I enjoy the cool weather for the most part. I don't really like Ice, Snow, etc and for that I'm thankful for wear we live... Yep, North Texas. We only really experience Ice and the yuck for a couple of weeks in February... although, we did have an ice storm the week before Thanksgiving, but it was very short-lived.

I love the Winter Holidays... Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. It's so filled with family and rememberances and traditions.

What don't I like about Winter? Well, ice. 'nuff said...

I guess that's just par for the course. I don't really have a season I like more than any other... Until we get to summer and it's 100+ for days and days in a row... It's not Summer's fault, but dang that's hot and bothersome!


Candace said...

Ok you just stole my post, LOL! That's exactly how the weather is in Mississippi. Hot one day and cold the next.

name said...

that is similar to the weather here as well, and I am with you- I hate ice!

Ashley said...

LOL..I love your expression about the weather! That's so cool! Not a big fan of ice, myself, either...makes me fall down!

Margy said...

Great take on winter! I loved all that you had to say! Completely agree with you on the ice!

Talin HG said...

Sounds like a wonderful winter...too bad it wasn't warm like that here.