Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We're having a regular heat wave! NOT!

So, we went from 80 something degrees on Saturday to what has already gone up to 23 degrees this morning. And the best part? It's gonna be 79 on Sunday... Then in the 40s early next week. You just GOTTA love this weather... Both kids' Schools are closed today... and I decided not to chance going to work and neither did my hubby...

I know I rant about weather probably entirely too much, but with two kids who suffer from allergies and bounce colds back and forth... it's consuming my life these days.

I did manage to bundle up enough this morning to carefully walk outside today and take a few pictures, since I've been such a slacker on my picture-a-day challenge to myself... It was very odd for there to be NO traffic at our corner... It's never like that...

So, we are inside, trying to stay warm, hoping the power stays on and I'm attempting to get some work done... yeah, can you tell?
Later today, we are supposed to get up to a balmy 42 degrees... Lovely... At least it should melt this ice accumulation we have gathered in the past 24 hours. Oh well, on to the next thing to rant about...


Margy said...

You poor thing. I really hate the cold!

Ashley said...

The cold's no fun!'s cold and I have a cold. Bleh!

Candace said...

I feel ya...the weather is always back and forth here, too. It was hot yesterday and cold today. That's why people stay so sick!

Talin HG said...

We are having crazy weather here too, although I don't like to complain it is usually -40C in January and it is anywhere from +10 to -20 and everywhere in between...much warmer than I am used to.

The pictures are awesome it looks like an early fall day here.

FairyKisses05 said...

wow...and I've been ranting about florida's weather! The cold is no fun at all, especially if you have kids who are proned to get sick!

name said...

we have had funky weather here too :(