Thursday, February 12, 2009

Always Playing Catch Up

Catching up. Yep, that's what I'm doing right now. I am recovering from some wicked, quick-hitting virus or something. Tuesday, I hit the brick wall in the afternoon, the fever set in and by Wednesday morning, it was all gone. Phwew.

So, I need to acknowledge that my friend, Ashley, presented me with a blog award some time ago and I didn't even get a chance to load it up here to proudly display it. Thank you Ashley!

I need to pass this on to 6 people who encourage and inspire me. I will need to regroup a bit but I promise to come back and pass it along!!! Bear with me!

Phwew. I feel like I've lost a week or two again. How does that happen?

Off to see about finishing up some stuff real quick before I shut this thing down for the night. You know, fun stuff like loading and starting the dishwasher, folding clothes, picking up toys (kids and mine apparently). Be back soon.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies

Wow, so tomorrow (or is that today), we have to turn in Audra's initial cookie order. Man, I've been sitting here adding all these different order sheets. My girl has done AWESOME!!! As it stands now (and we still have orders outstanding from folks who haven't gotten back to us), she's at 557 boxes. Her goal is 2009, but her minimum that she wants to sell is 1000.

1000 boxes sold will get a Girl Scout into the Diva Club. Audra's been in it for the past two years. Divas get to do fun things for all their hard work. Last year, Audra went to dinner and then to a theater to see a production of High School Musical. The year before, she spent the day with 4 Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders learning different routines and dancing with them. This year, the Divas get to go to the Great Wolf Lodge. What's a Great Wolf Lodge? It's a lodge where they have an indoor water park and so they stay in these really cool rooms and get a pass for the water park. 1500 boxes sold will get a Girl Scout into the Diva Club, as well as get her an IPOD. 2009 boxes sold will get a Girl Scout into the EXTREME Diva Club. With that, she'll get the Great Wolf Lodge Trip, the IPOD and a Wii. Of course, all the Diva levels also get all the incentives available for all the lower levels. So, we'll see how she does. I hope she at least makes it to 1000 boxes. I'd hate to see her not make it this year after being in it the past two years.